Area of Operations
An "Area of Operation" (AO) is a defined geographic space where the security company is licensed, insured, and cleared to conduct security operations. We are aggressively growing our area of operations, but are currently licensed, insured, and ready to provide security services to the areas below.
Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky
International Security
Area of Future Operations
A "Future Area of Operation" (FAO) is a defined geographic space where the security company is NOT licensed, insured, and cleared to conduct security operations, but where we are working through the application process to get a security license. The reason for this FAO map is to communicate our intent to grow our AO and make our security services available to new areas. We are aggressively growing our area of operations and expect to be licensed soon in the States below. Please stay tuned or sign up for our email list to remain updated wit the list of states that 1st Veterans Security LLC is licensed and ready to provide security services.