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Top Reasons to Contract an Executive Protection Service or Bodyguard Service

1st Veterans Security LLC provides licensed and trained bodyguard services to clients throughout our area of operations. If you are in need of personal protection services, executive protection, or bodyguard services, contact our team now.

Personal Protection Officer - 1st Veterans Security LLC
Personal Protection Officer - 1st Veterans Security LLC
1st Veterans Security LLC

7 Reasons for Executive Protection or Bodyguard Services

High-Net-Worth Individual - Close Protection
High-Net-Worth Individual - Close Protection

You are a High-Net-Worth Individual

The term "High-Net-Worth Individual" refers to a financial industry classification denoting an individual with liquid assets above a certain figure. People who fall into this category generally have at least $1 million in liquid financial assets. (source: Investopedia)

1st Veterans Security LLC works with a large number of High-Net-Worth Individuals who are concerned for their safety and security when traveling, attending events, conducting business, during times of unrest, or when a specific threat is present. Our team of Personal Protection Officers (PPOs) is experienced, trained, and licensed to conduct executive protection and close protection operations (e.g. "bodyguard" services) in several states and internationally. Our mission is to keep the client safe, happy, and productive while not interrupting their daily life. Contact our client relations team for a free consultation.

You are a Public Figure

Public Figure - Close Protection
Public Figure - Close Protection

The term "Public Figure" is used to define a famous person whose life and behavior are the focus of intense public interest and scrutiny. It usually refers to politicians, celebrities, and VIPs.

1st Veterans Security LLC has the experience, the training, and the necessary permits and licenses required for Tier-1, high-risk executive protection and close protection of Public Figures.

Public Figure - Close Protection
Public Figure - Close Protection

Public Figure protection is not for amateurs or un-trained bodyguards. 1st Veterans Security LLC only deploys experienced, professional Personal Protection Officers to work with Public Figures. Our Public Figure protection team has professional backgrounds which include high-risk, low-profile close protection operations on Federal Contract overseas (PMCs), executive protection operations for foreign diplomats, and low-profile close protection for high-risk clients. Our mission is to keep the client safe, happy, and productive while not interrupting their daily life, public event, or campaign. Contact our client relations team for a free consultation.

You are a Business Executive

Business Executive - Close Protection
Business Executive - Close Protection

Business Executives come from every walk of life and every type of business. Unfortunately, business travel and day-to-day business operations can carry risk to personal security in today's world.

1st Veterans Security LLC works with a number of small businesses and corporate clients to protect their management team, executive staff, and C-Suite personnel. When conducting business, the last thing you want is to be distracted by criminal activity or violence. 1st Veterans Security LLC removes the risk of violence to the client through our executive protection team of experienced and trained Personal Protection Officers.

Board Room Security - Executive Protection
Board Room Security - Executive Protection

Stockholder / shareholder meetings, company events, boardroom meetings, and business travel are all candidates for executive protection and security by 1st Veterans Security LLC. If you are in business and concerned for your safety or the safety of the business, contact us now. Our mission is to keep the client safe, happy, and productive while not interrupting their daily life, or business operations. Contact our client relations team for a free consultation.

You have a Large Scale Online Presence or Network

Social Media Influencer - Personal Protection
Social Media Influencer - Personal Protection

Social Media Influencers don’t necessarily think of themselves as a celebrity or public figure, but the security risks for these clients exist in a very real-world, tangible way.

Cyber-stalking, online threats, physical threats, and public event risks are all unfortunately the dark side of being famous on the internet. 1st Veterans Security LLC deploys professional Personal Protection Officers which will keep you safe, happy, and productive despite the threat-profile. If you are concerned for your safety, contact us today for a free consultation.

Social Media Influencer - Personal Protection
Social Media Influencer - Personal Protection

Social media attention can degrade very quickly from profitable to perilous after something as small as a tweet or post on a platform. Do NOT risk your personal safety by relying on the good nature of the internet. Contact 1st Veterans Security LLC today for a free consultation to learn more about our Social Media Influencer personal protection operations.

You transfer High-Value Items

High-Value Discrete Armed Courier
High-Value Discrete Armed Courier

If you transfer high-value items (e.g. Diamonds, Currencies, Precious Metals, etc...) 1st Veterans Security LLC is the licensed armed courier you want on contract. Click here to find out more about our Discrete Armed Courier Services.

Discrete Armed Courier Services at 1st Veterans Security LLC are no different then the traditional armed courier services you see driving around the city in large armored trucks, with some major exceptions though - discretion & experience.

Discrete Armed Courier Operations
Discrete Armed Courier Operations

Compared to our nearest competitor, our armed couriers have decades of prior experience in low-profile, high-risk special operations around the world. As a result, 1st Veterans Security LLC conducts armed courier services with the same low-profile, high-risk standard operating procedures used for secure transport for valuable assets overseas. Simply put, if you were to look at a city street while a secure transportation operation was ongoing, you would not notice the 1st Veterans Security LLC team as they drove down the road in front of you.

You have been Threatened or Perceive a Specific Threat

Specific Threats - Personal Protection
Specific Threats - Personal Protection

When faced with a specific threat such as stalking, ransom, extortion, abduction, human trafficking, robbery, or any other specific threat profile, 1st Veterans Security LLC is here to protect you.

Our Personal Protection Officers are an elite group of trained, experienced professionals with backgrounds in U.S. Special Operations and the Private Military Community (PMC). If your specific threat profile warrants a high-risk security element, 1st Veterans Security LLC has the capability to bring a Special Operations capable security element online to protect you.

High-Risk Security Element
High-Risk Security Element
  • Former U.S. Special Operations veterans

  • Former Private Military Contractors

  • Intelligence Supplemental Team

  • Counter Surveillance Supplemental Team

  • Convoy / Motorcade Protection Team

  • Estate Security Team

Our mission is to keep the client safe, happy, and productive while not interrupting their daily life, or business operations.

You want to Feel Safe

Close Personal Protection - Bodyguard
Close Personal Protection - Bodyguard

Personal Protection Officers or Bodyguards are not just meant for VIPs, High-Net-Worth Individuals, Business Executives, or the Famous. 1st Veterans Security LLC offers executive protection and bodyguard services to a variety of low-risk clients who just want to feel safe.

Many of our clients are considered low-risk and are unknown to the public eye. They either are hosting an event, driving a long distance, attending a party, traveling, or don't want to visit the city without a licensed and trained Personal Protection Officer.

Crime Prevention - Bodyguard Services
Crime Prevention - Bodyguard Services

We make our services affordable for all clients and can scale our appearance to fit the day's planned activities. 1st Veterans Security LLC Personal Protection Officers can wear low-profile clothes, suits, or tuxes to blend with the environment.

The best time to invest in personal protection or private security is before the threat materializes. Don't wait, call 1st Veterans Security now.

1st Veterans Security LLC

1st Veterans Security LLC is a Tier 1, full service, private security company which protects its clients with experienced security teams comprised of veterans from special operations, conventional units, and advanced law enforcement. Our security team of special operations veterans works together with clients to find effective security solutions designed specifically for their businesses and lifestyle.

We aim to hire, train, and deploy as many honorable veterans as possible. - 1st Veterans Security LLC
We Hire Veterans at 1st Veterans Security LLC

Contact Us to Learn More!

P: 337-344-9933

1st Veterans Security LLC is BBB Accredited
1st Veterans Security LLC is BBB Accredited


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